zero knowledge proofs code example:A Code Example of Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Cryptography


Zero Knowledge Proofs: A Code Example in Cryptography

Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) are a cryptographic technique that enables a party, known as the prover, to prove to another party, known as the verifier, that they possess certain knowledge without revealing any information other than the fact that they possess this knowledge. This is useful in situations where privacy is crucial, such as in digital authentication and privacy-preserving data sharing. In this article, we will provide a simple code example to demonstrate how ZKPs can be implemented in Python.


Before we begin, we need to introduce some basic concepts and terminology related to zero-knowledge proofs. We will use the following notation:

- P: The prover, also known as the sender

- V: The verifier, also known as the receiver

- k: A secret key shared between P and V before the proof is generated

- m: The message or fact that P wants to prove to V

- c: The proof generated by P

Code Example

We will now implement a simple ZKP example using Python and the PyCrypto library. PyCrypto is a popular library for implementing cryptographic functions in Python. We will use it to generate a random secret key and message, and then use the ZKP to prove that P knows the message without revealing the message itself.


from Crypto.Random import random

from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA

from Crypto.Hash import SHA256

from Crypto.Signature import SHA256

# Generate a secret key and message

secret_key = random.randrange(2 ** 32)

message = b'This is a secret message'

# Sign the message with the secret key

signature = RSA.sign(SHA256, secret_key, message)

# Verify the signature

if RSA.verify(SHA256, secret_key, signature, message):

print("Message is valid")


print("Message is not valid")

# Prove that P knows the message without revealing the message itself

prover_public_key = RSA.generate_public_key(size=2048)

prover_public_key_hash =

prover_input = f"Prover knows the message: {message.hexread()}

Prover's public key: {prover_public_key_hash}"

prover_signature = prover_public_key.signature_digest(prover_input)

prover_input_hash =

if prover_public_key.verify(prover_signature, prover_input_hash):

print("Prover's proof is valid")


print("Prover's proof is not valid")


In this code example, we first generate a secret key and a message using the `random` and `RSA` modules. Then, we sign the message with the secret key using the `RSA.sign` function and verify the signature using the secret key and the message.

Next, we demonstrate a zero-knowledge proof using a public key provided by the prover and a hash of the public key. The prover signs a message containing the message and the hash of the public key. The verifier verifies the signature using the public key and the hash of the public key. If the signature is valid, the verifier can conclude that the prover knows the message without revealing the message itself.

Zero-knowledge proofs are an important cryptographic technique for ensuring privacy in various applications, such as digital authentication and privacy-preserving data sharing. The code example provided in this article demonstrates the basic concepts and implementation of ZKPs using Python and the PyCrypto library. While this example is simple, it serves as a solid foundation for understanding ZKPs and their applications in practical settings.

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